Бен Кристофърс

ben-christophers.jpgБен Кристофърс (Ben Christophers) е английски поет с китара, една от новоизгряващите звезди в британската бард-култура. Започва да свири през 1999 г. в пицарии в Уест Енд, Лондон. Първият му самостоятелен албум “Моят прекрасен демон” излиза през 2004 г.

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My Beautiful Demon


I remember you in cine film
the sunshine always burst the cloud
the smell of cut grass fills the sky
just like the birds of mid July
I remember you in cine film
I fell in love to easily
sometimes we stayed up through the night
walked through the streets electric light
My beautiful demon
my beautiful demon
flood lit veins and I enhale you
I’m missing the sweetest ghost
killed with silence
feels like I am
missing the sweetest ghost
I remember you in cine film
the way you ran to catch me out
do you think about it to
on days like these I think of you
My beautiful demon
my beautiful demon
I remember you in cine film
my beautiful demon

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